Data Driven Comedy

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The opportunity for a business to be data-driven and leverage the latest AI tools is something we read about every day. Punchup is now making comedians more data-driven!

We often read about content being taken down off of websites. Maybe it’s offensive. Maybe it isn’t something brands want to be advertising alongside. This makes the business of comedy difficult. What if comedians could not only have a platform for sharing their content but also make more data-driven decisions on the backend? That platform is Punchup.

What’s exciting about Punchup, is not only is the team super experienced, but they are really focused on helping comedians leverage data for their decision-making. Everything from touring locations, merchandise, where their audience is engaging and coming from, ticket sales, and more. Starting with comedians, but eventually, you can imagine all creators leveraging their powerful tools.

Data is driving the decision-making of the most sophisticated companies. Data is the most valuable asset in this world. It’s exciting to see creators such as comedians having access to these tools so they can continue to build their own businesses. It’s the Shopify for Comedians & soon it will be the Shopify for Live Entertainment…..